
Rockett's Landing Regatta

Went to the Regatta today, part of the Adventure Games going on this weekend. Got there later than I planned, missed seeing Libah's race, but saw others, got recruited briefly to help move cookout food, took pictures, roamed around, prasied the Solidowskis, talked baby-talk to a really cute puppy that I considered stealing because she was tied up with an owner nowhere in sight, drank beer, ate two hotdogs, wished that Dan LeBlanc was my father or uncle, got some sunburn, looked out onto the river from a comfy fold out chair, got a free t-shirt (thanks Laura), didn't pee in a porta-john (porta-john fear), forgot to share a piece of gossip I had, thought about the start of the Tour De France, offered to make dinner tonite before the fireworks, came home. More later. Love, Leemur

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