
Me and the crappie I got from the James. Eat your heart out Shannon!



Here's a few pictures from LM's birthday nite.

Six of the finest ladies in Richmond @ Mama Zu having a ball

LM & AK Strong Woman Contest @ Mama Zu


I Try to Answer the Question of 'Who Invented the Zipper?'

This question came to me at work recently, I don't know why, but it aroused my curiousity. So, apparently, Elias Howe, who also invented & patented the sewing machine, in 1851, but he was too pre-occupied with the sewing machine (understandably, sewing machines are right up there with the wheel, bakelite, and the marathon bar),and then there was Whitcomb L. Judson, in 1893, and finally Gideon Sundback, a Swede worker for Judson , who invented/devised the Zipper as we know it today, in 1913, patented in 1917. YKK, which you see on many zippers, is the Japanese company that pretty much has the corner on the zipper-making market. Go figure!
I wish I had invented the zipper.
I would like to be an inventor. I already have big schemes about The Edible Press On Nail. I swear it will be huge in Japan. Because they're crazy. And if Japanese youth love it, American youth will follow, then the slower-to-catch-on older peoples, and that's when I will become huge. You wait and see. Then I can blame anybody for anything, whenever I want.



It seems that I have been quite lackadaisical of late.
As I have learned from an unbalanced co-worker, Blame Must Be Assigned, In All Cases.
Therefore, I blame you.