

I listened to Terry Gross interview Lynne Cheney on yesterday's Fresh Air (http://www.npr.org/templates/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=13&prgDate=02-09-2005) and though I usually champion Terry the Intrepid, I found her instead, to be overbearing and somewhat obnoxious. As tired as the Cheneys must be of all the "gay" questions, I think that I am actually tired-er. No, I'm sure of it. Why should anyone on either side spend valuable time and brain activity (I'll assume) on Dick, Lynne, and poor, poor Mary, who selfishly refuses to be somebody's gay poster girl. For the love of God and Tammy Faye Baker, (http://www.tammyfaye.com/default.asp), leave these people and their selfishly-private gay daughter alone!
On another, completely unrelated note, I believe that Gary and Neal were engaged in the courting and mating rituals that are appropriate to snails when I got home yesterday morning. I think that's what they were doing... We'll see what happens. I can hardly wait.
I just found out that Julia Roberts produced her twins--wow--and that Brad and Jen might get back together, and holy shit! Nick and Jessica are skirmishing like scorpions. Yes, that's right, I was in line at the grocery store tonite.

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