
this morning

So I'm on my way to work this morning, came off Brook onto Lombardy by VUU, got to the roundabout thingie and paused, those things always make me pause whether I need to or not, and there's a Camry wagon on my left and I couldn't tell if he was going to turn right or come into the circle, so with a hop I jumped into the circle, in front of him basically, but there was plenty of room (really!) and all went smoothly except that he blew his horn at me. I ignored him, didn't give my usual mouthed "sorry," and proceeded forward toward the traffic light, which was red. I got into the lane to turn left, and see him in my rear mirror coming up and around me. He gets to the intersection, where the Light is Still Red, and turns right Without Stopping. Had there not been a car in front of me I would have blown my horn. I don't think there's a moral here. Also, he didn't use his turn signal.

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