
Boy Finds Snack In Cereal Box - May 5, 2005

May 4, 2005 1:41 p.m. EST

By JASEN LEE, All Headline News Staff Report

SHROPSHIRE, England (AHN) – Talk about a breakfast surprise! 5-year old Jordan Willett finds a two-foot long snake in his cereal.

The live snake was found in a box of Golden Puffs cereal.

His mother says she thought the reptile was a free gift! Theresa Willet also says, 'My lad, he went to open his cereal and luckily enough I was behind him because a snake popped out. 'I just screamed. I grabbed the box off him. Jordan's still in shock today. He's not eating. Neither am I.'

Officials determined it is a corn snake that is not venomous and says the animal was likely someone’s pet.

A spokesman for Netto, the company who makes the cereal, says, 'This does seem to be a bizarre incident but we are taking it very seriously. Netto is in discussions with its supplier to ensure that all procedures are reviewed and we will be making checks on our stock.'
The family says it may consider a lawsuit."

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