
New Thing, New Section! Avoid the Rush! I Call It "What Am I Angry About?"

What am I angry about right now? Well...
I'm angry about a state that would try to make a 13 yr old girl have a baby when she didn't want to---
I'm angry about sexual predators who are released from prison and continue on to rape, maim, and murder. Little girls. Little boys. Your little girl or boy---
I'm angry about pharmacists who feel that they can make the decision on who gets what prescribed medication that they may find Morally Offensive or Wrong. Saying "who the fuck do you think you are?!" doesn't even begin to cover that---
I'm angry about men who refuse to wear condoms and spread STDs and create children with complete disregard---
I'm angry about the women who have sex with them. No glove, no love. Hey! No love, no love! Yes, babies are cute and cuddly. But babies aren't dolls that you can toss in a box when you want to get fucked up, go out dancing, hang out on the porch, or bang your brains out because Mr Wonderful can get it up for you right this second---
Stop not caring about whether you live or die-- you could be a blessing in someone's life, lives, if you'd give it a try. It's not too hard to act decent---
I'm angry about lives that end too soon because somebody thinks they have to get there FASTER than anybody else. Do you want to be someone who's so badly burned that it takes a week or more to even figure who you are, rather, who you Were?
I'm angry about motherfucking suicide bombers every fucking day in one or the other of two countries that we watch on the news every morning---

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