


The Return of the Leemur

Well for starters, congratulate me, I have a passel of new snails, courtesy of Gary and Neal. They are all damn cute. Pictures are forthcoming I can assure you, as soon as they're big enough to photograph.
Elsewhere---I dreamt last night that I was Rachel on Friends, that's right, Rachel, The Rachel, Rach. Anyway, as Rachel in this particular episode, I was dating Chris Rock, who portayed a black guy. He was very good in his role. We were a bit of an odd couple to be sure, but we were digging each others' company. I was wearing a charcoal grey strappy dress and Manolos, and he looked real cute in an oxford shirt under a red sweater that had two holes in the elbows the size of the circumference of the lid of your average cup of Dannon yogurt. We walked down a moonlit city street, me twirling my tiny, fashionable handbag, and he gesturing vivdly as he told me stories about his first job in a cardboard box factory. I felt as light as a feather and as frisky as a kitten. The next thing I knew we were in his pristine white 1983 Mustang that had the most incredible buttery soft leather seats the color of a melting caramel. Then we were racing thru the parking lot, swerving around the many elderly who were there for some reason, and then we ended up in the loading dock of the nation's largest post office. We went inside to look at the pictures of the last big office party and who should be sitting at the biggest desk but my dead grandmother.
Then I woke up.
A free pair of custom Leemur-made earrings to whomever can provide a satisfactory interpretation of my dream. For real.



I listened to Terry Gross interview Lynne Cheney on yesterday's Fresh Air (http://www.npr.org/templates/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=13&prgDate=02-09-2005) and though I usually champion Terry the Intrepid, I found her instead, to be overbearing and somewhat obnoxious. As tired as the Cheneys must be of all the "gay" questions, I think that I am actually tired-er. No, I'm sure of it. Why should anyone on either side spend valuable time and brain activity (I'll assume) on Dick, Lynne, and poor, poor Mary, who selfishly refuses to be somebody's gay poster girl. For the love of God and Tammy Faye Baker, (http://www.tammyfaye.com/default.asp), leave these people and their selfishly-private gay daughter alone!
On another, completely unrelated note, I believe that Gary and Neal were engaged in the courting and mating rituals that are appropriate to snails when I got home yesterday morning. I think that's what they were doing... We'll see what happens. I can hardly wait.
I just found out that Julia Roberts produced her twins--wow--and that Brad and Jen might get back together, and holy shit! Nick and Jessica are skirmishing like scorpions. Yes, that's right, I was in line at the grocery store tonite.



I'd just like to go on the record saying that I really, really, didn't like or appreciate the awful, horrible, awful, spiteful, smug, mean bitch from Chase Manhattan who called me this afternoon. I hope she reads this and I hope that she gets bitten by a weasel on her way home tonite.
She's probably ruining my life through her computer database as I speak. Nasty mean girl.


My Really Special Day, continued...

A few more pictures, courtesy of Shannon. Thanks, ShannyBean!
I think we've all been talking about how much fun we had (except for you, Anita), and how we should do it again. A plan should be pursued. We need more delicious food! More fun! More fellowship blessed by me, the Reverend! Stay tuned.

Megan, Judith, & Betty mesmerised by my bright head

peeps getting ready to surprise me


Leemur's "Big Night" Night

What I Have to Say About My Friends :
Well, I have the greatest friends in the world, ever. No, really. I'm sure that a lot of people think their friends are pretty cool, but I'm afraid that their (and maybe YOUR) friends, just don't hold a candle to mine. Let me list them, not in order of importance or greatness, or those most likely to smell really good, but in a random, free-form sort of way :
Linda, Megan (congratulations on not being a "looser" anymore, now that you have a job again!), KDA, aka The Rule of Law, Shannon, Bun Buntich, Kiki & TeeTee (or Bunny & Monkey), Judith, Anita, who couldn't make it but tried really hard and came by today to say Happy B'day, and lastly but certainly not leastly, my very own Bunny, Betty.
Also, apparently, they were all lying to me for the past week or so. I say "Congratulations! Good Job!" I was definitely fooled.
In the end, I was treated to an amazing meal with my dear friends and Rosie Clooney, Claudio Villa, Matteo Salvatore, and more, serenading us as we laughed and ate by candlelight.
I am the luckiest girl in the world.

KDA, laying down the law.

Megan & Shannon, actual b'day night @ Betty's

Linda and Bun, skeptical

Bun, Judith, & a little bit of KDA

leemur's "Big Night" birthday birthday dinner


bing crosby, one hell of a good cat